Saturday, October 11, 2003
Rupert is coming for me!!
I had one of those typical dreams where some homicidal maniac is chasing me. Axes through doors, knives in hand, kinda chases. The guy chasing me was completely crazy (goes without saying, doesn't it?) and I was trying to reason with him, telling him that he just needed some help (and possibly MEDS). I now realize that the guy was Rupert, from Survivor. I have no idea why, coz he's my favourite guy on the show this year, but there he was trying to kill me. *shrug* You just never know what people are capable of, I guess. *wink*

Anyway, I also had another dream where my grandmother was a nun. I couldn't possibly even begin to explain where that came from, though I'm sure she'll be amused.

Friday, October 10, 2003
blurring the lines between dreams and reality
Ok, well, I don't really care to get too much into last night's dream because it was very clearly linked to something personal going on in my life right now. It involves a situation with a "friend", and there's no real crazy dreaming fun or oddity about it. It was obviously a manifestation of all the junk in my head about the situation, and the struggle to deal with it. And it was one helluva a long dream.
Sorry kids, I tend to protect dreams when they reveal stuff about other people I care about. My personal stuff is one thing, their stuff is another.
But as a note, it's interesting to see my brain trying to find another way of coping with a situation that I had thought I had dealt with. Hm. Maybe I need to re-examine the situation....maybe I'm not as done with it as I thought.

Thursday, October 09, 2003
it's a gift, it's a curse..
Well it seems that just as soon as I brag that I can recall my dreams most every night, they start eluding me instead. I can remember one little "clip" from last night, but it's not even worth mentioning. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I was violently ill until 2am and then had fitful sleep after that as I wrestled with nausea.
However, when I was getting my hair cut today, my stylist was talking about how he has a billion (give or take) ladybugs in his backyard right now. He was describing how they are "kamakaze" ladybugs coz they keep flying right at him and stuff. And all this ladybug talk reminded me that I had a dream last night about a ladybug! I dreamt I had found one in my home and picked it up (I'm one of those girls who doesn't mind picking up bugs and spiders, in real life), but then I remembered my grandma telling me that she had been bitten by them so I freaked out and tried to brush it off.
That's it. That's all I can remember. Mighty deep, hunh? *sigh*
Better luck tonight. lol

Wednesday, October 08, 2003
shared dreams
Well, I cannot stress this enough...go visit Dan's site. It's fantastic, and he's a great fellow.
His dreams are both hilarious and distrubing. A perfect combo!
And after e-mailing with him, we agree that everyone needs to get out there and either rent or buy Donnie Darko. An excellent movie that challenges the way you think.
And it's a bit freaky...which is always good. Who knew a bunny could be so scary?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003
food and school
I had a few odd dreams last night.
First one was set in my old high school (why do we always have school dreams years and years after we left?? was it that bad?!). The school was empty, as if it was summer, or early Fall and school was starting any day now. I was looking for the perfect locker and I was *really* excited because I was there way ahead of the pack and I could pick any locker I wanted. I found one I wanted and seemed unconcerned with the fact that there was an old lock on it. Somehow I removed it with no real effort and tossed it on the floor, hard, so that it slide quite a distance down the hall.
When as I opened it I found a strange assortment of hats....there were only about 2-3 styles, but multiples of each, creating 2-3 stacks. A yellow stack, a red stack, and a black stack. The person I was with (where did s/he come from? I have no idea s/he was not there seconds before...hey it's a dream, whattya want from me??) asked me about the hats, and I began to explain that they were left over from some promotion I had done before. ?? I have no idea, but in the dream it somehow made perfect sense. Anyway, there were some other antics involving roaming around the halls of the school, but I can't remember because I was abruptly awakened by the sound of a garbage truck outside my bedroom window at 4am. Bastard.

However, I had another dream after that. It involved a grocery store setting. I seemed to toggle between working there, somehow, and shopping there. In the beginning I was working on a computer that was placed in the fruits and veggies section for some peculiar reason. And as I worked on the computer I kept getting frustrated and flipping out because I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to do, and I was feeling stressed about getting it to perform whatever task in front of all these shoppers who were passing by. As I recall, it involved html. lol. Too much blogging before bedtime, methinks.
Anyway, later in the dream I am walking around looking at food. I come across a stand set up in the store, much like a lemonade stand. However, at this stand the children were peddling pumpkin seeds that they had strung on some kind of thread or string. A large string of them cost 92 cents and a smaller one only 10 cents. I wasn't sure if these things were edible or decorative, so I didn't purchase any.
As I continued my shopping I got lured into a sales pitch by some woman who was telling me the wonderful benefits and features of these meal replacement/ diet bars I could buy. Eventually I had agreed and had a chocolate one in my hand. Munching into it, I agreed with her that it was indeed a fairly tasty item, although a bit on the heavy side. At this point a child runs up to me and asks for a piece. I told her I would give her some and any money I had in my pocket, for one of her pumpkin strings. She agreed, so I gave her a piece, and took out 16 cents from my pocket and gave them to her.

Fast forward to the cashout area. I'm standing in what seems like the longest line of my life, when I look up and see it's a friend of mine working there (she actually worked in a grocery store many years ago). She asked me what one of the signs in the store said, and pointed up to the wall. "Easy Easy Easy Groceries" I said. The two of us looked up at the sign now completely perplexed as to what they were aiming for when they designed it.
Turning my attention back to the lineup that wasn't moving I bitched to my friend that we (the collective lineup of people) were getting bored.... "Look, even Brad is getting bored" says I, referring to Brad Pitt who was standing a person or two in front of me. He was sitting with his chin in his hand, elbow resting on the conveyer belt that was long ago halted. When he heard his name he kinda perked up and went all Fight Club/Twelve Monkey Brad on us, and got all nutty.
Then I woke up.


Monday, October 06, 2003
whispers from the past....
The other night, as many times before, I dreamt about someone I haven't seen in years. The friendship was abruptly terminated many years ago, and I have not seen the person since. In recent months, he has in fact appeared in my dreams a number of times.....I wonder what I'm supposed to get from that? At first I was ready to take it as some crazy sign to make contact with him, but I have since decided that that's not a can of worms I care to open again. I mean, there's a reason why I ended the friendship to begin with, ya know?
But I always find it interesting when people from our past pop into our dreams. I have had dreams of childhood friends that I haven't seen in 20 years! How odd....I wonder why the brain is recirculating that tidbit of info.