Saturday, November 01, 2003
is there a dream thief??
I had one of the worst night's sleep in a very long time. I feel like a walking zombie today...zzzzzzzzzzz......
Not much to recall about my dreams since I kept waking up throughout the night.
I know there was a small dog, a Yorkie, that kept biting me everytime I tried to pet it. The owner mumbled something about how I shouldn't even bother trying coz the dog was crazy. lol.
Then there was some dream involving a drawbridge, and the dream seemed to revolve around the guy who was in charge of raising the bridge. I can't remember any more coz, as I said, I kept waking up and tossing and turning.
There was also some dream about me being in school and seriously NOT getting along with my teachers and disliking them greatly. I think it's coz I'm in night school now, but I like it, so I have no idea what's spawning that dream.

Friday, October 31, 2003
there it is! GONE!
I got up at 4:40am to use the little girls room, and had a clear idea in my head about the dream I had just had. And I said to myself.."Now...can you just remember (whatever-the-hell-I-said-here)?" The answer is apparently no. No I can't just remember one little reminder as to what I was dreaming. And I was SO sure at the time that I could. Next time I'm just gonna have to fumble for a pen and paper.

All I remember of my other dream after I went to bed was getting an angry phonecall from the mother of some guy I was supposedly dating. I thought she was calling to yell at me because I was dating her son and I am caucasian (he was East Indian). But in fact she was called and said "Oh? You have a child? Really now...well why don't you put him on the phone then?". Evidently I had been telling her son that I had a child, though I'm not sure why I would lie about that or why I would think that was an advantage. Feeling completely indignant by this woman's accusation (she was actually right, in the dream I HAD been lying. it's all so fucked up, I tells ya!) I said something akin to "Why I *never*!" and slammed the phone down, hanging up on her.

*shrug* I sure wish I could remember that first dream, I bet it was better. lol

Thursday, October 30, 2003
All I remember from last night's dream is that I got into a brawl with some black woman in a jail somewhere because she made anti-semitic remarks. Though I was not actually a prisoner in this jail, I had been sneaking around looking for someone (that I guess I knew). She spotted me and ratted me out to a group of big guys, and then proceeded to call me a whole bunch of unsavoury names, so I returned the favour and then beat the tar out of her.
Then I made a deal with some guy to leave me alone with her a little longer, so I couldn't straighten her out right proper; the deal somehow involved my cell phone and/or $500.

Mostly I'm bothered by this dream because I would never in my life make such horrible racial it was bizarre that I would in a dream. Oh well, I guess we do all kinds of things in our dreams that we can't or wouldn't in real life.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003
tigers and kangaroos
I woke up this morning with a bizarre feeling of my own mortality. I've had this before, but usually it comes to me in a pool of sweat and in the middle of the night. I wake up and look around, blinking in the dark desperate to try and focus on something and assure myself I'm not dead. It's truly a bizarre feeling because once I manage to ascertain that I'm not dead I am then left with the realization that, while I'm not dead now, I one day will be. What will that be like? What happens? Will I realize it's happening or is it like when I am dreaming and I don't know that I am asleep and dreaming? It's a pretty unsettling feeling, let me tell you. I blame it on Harry Potter having a conversation with Nearly Headless Nick about dying and coming back; I read it in the last chapter of the latest book before I went to sleep.
Yeah.....that's what it was...... (~gulp~)......

Anyway. Odd assortment of dream bits before I got down to the business of a dream I can remember.
There was something involving a kangaroo, and trying to get it to mate....I should hope with another kangaroo, but I don't recall. Myself and the others around me were delighted because I guess we had some kind of breeding program and this would be the first time this kangaroo showed willingness to mate.
*shrug* Good for the kangaroo. :-D

In another dream my mom was in a hot tub with Nikki Newman and Victor Newman was mulling around somewhere. I didn't seem to be particularly moved by finding them all hanging out. Apparently it's common place for my mom to be hanging out with the cast of Young and the Restless. LOL. After stopping by to say hi to my mom in the hot tub I left and started making my way around the tub and then the swimming pool. I slipped on the tiles and one of my legs sort of slipped in and I got soaked. I looked up and remarked to a man standing there that my body must be telling me something.....maybe I need to go for a swim, or soak in the hot tub. I have NO clue why I would say something so moronic, but dreams are funny that way.

I think the next dream is connected to the previous....I think I left the hotel or whatever place it was that had the pool and tub, and went outside in search of food or something. As I exited the building I walked out into a warm evening, along a bustling street, and thought: "wow, how crazy is it that this morning I was in Amsterdam, and by night I'm in London?" (now that I'm awake I can safely say that IS pretty fuckin' crazy, actually. lol) I walked along the street just taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the nightlife. I ducked into a little grocery store to see what they had. As I walked through the aisles I noticed how narrow they were, and how the shelves were *packed* with stock, to the point of extreme disorganization, with stuff toppling all over the place. How quaint, I thought. I looked at the vast collection of teas and contemplated getting Celestial Seasonings "Sleepytime" Tea. Opting to wait and see what else they had, I kept looking. A woman beside me asked an employee something, and the employee (who was standing in a shopping cart in order to reach the top shelves) rolled along the aisle until she found the product on a top shelf and handed it down to the woman. How strange, I thought. Then I heard the employee saying something, though I don't recall what since I was mostly tuning her out, assuming she was talking to the other customer. But the employee was persistent and got louder while speaking, in order to get my attention. Finally I looked up at her, and both she and the other customer were now looking at me. "I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" I asked. "Yes" said the employee as she climbed out of the cart, and now headed towards me. She wanted to point out a product to me, though I can't remember what the item was. All I remember was that it was in a cylinder tin, with an odd old-style picture of a tiger and a man, maybe from India. I thanked the employee for pointing out the product and said I would consider it.

Shortly thereafter I left and headed back out onto the street. There were buskers entertaining people along the way with various acts, from singing and playing guitar, to juggling to dancing. I stopped to watch one guy doing tricks with a red yo-yo. As I was watching he did this one trick that had the yo-yo go over his left shoulder, but then it smacked him with great force in the back, making this sickening (yet amusing) thump as it struck him. Feeling bad for him and yet not wanting to be subjected to his obvious ineptitude, I began to make moves towards getting up (I had sat down cross legged). He said, "What? Are you leaving?" in a rather annoyed toned. I gave a polite smile and tried to make it look like I was just adjusting my position, but not leaving. He continued with his act, and thwacked his back once again with the damn yo-yo. This time I could not hold back the snicker and I got up and left.
I think I went back to the hotel, passing a busker juggling fire along the way.

And if all that wasn't entertaining enough for ya, you can always check out my main blog: I Dream, Therefore I Am.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003
I have come to the conclusion that I just have too many dreams going on at night to keep track of, and by morning my brain is in overload, and I plum near can't remember any of them. Once again I can only remembers bits and pieces which really chaps my ass because I know DAMN well that I had lots more dreams.
Anyway, I woke up with a song in my head. In the dream my dad was online looking for a song he had heard and I said that I knew the song he was looking for, that I had just downloaded it myself! I noted that it was odd because it was the second time in a row that he had come looking for a song that I had just attained. Anyway, I don't think the song is one that exists in real life....I've never heard it. It was by someone whose first name was Alice or Alicia (no, not her)...and it was...either about running away or procrastination. Or it was called Procrastination, and the chorus sang about running away. Beats me, but I sure wish I was musically talented and could recreate the song as I hear it in my head; it's a pretty cool tune.

Then I had some dream where I was in London, England and I was watching all these double decker buses going by and thinking about how they are really making them too high these days and how one day they would tip over and kill people. *shrug* I have no clue what the hell that was about. Maybe coz I'm planning a trip there next June, I have no idea. Clearly when I go I'll stay away from the buses. LOL.

Then I had some dream involving some kind of decorating show, and this group of people were trying to do outdoor landscaping. The goal was to cover up this large hydro transformer that was in the backyard, so it wasn't such an eyesore. They decided to build four walls around it using twigs and branches roped together, and I thought this was the most brilliant plan ever. What can I say, I'm easily impressed.

Then I had this wacky dream that I was swimming with my 83 year old grandma. We were having little fun races back and forth in the pool and I was getting my ass *whipped* by grandma!!! And in my dream I just could *not* figure out how this little old lady was outswimming everytime. lol. You go, grandma!!

And then I had a few dreams that I never like. See....sometimes I have dreams....and...well, sometimes I fear them coming true. So now I will be glued to the news all day to make sure everything is ok.
~fingers crossed~

Monday, October 27, 2003
Okay, there has to be some kind of crazy dream conspiracy going on....someone is using some nutty dream stealing machine to rob me of my night images...because I sure as hell am struggling to remember my dreams. Wtf??
All I remember from last night was that I went into the doctor for something and she informed me I would be receiving my flu shot for the season. I'm sure the only reason I remembered this dream is because I am terrified of needles. Okay, maybe terrified is a strong word, but I certainly have a serious aversion to them. I avoid them wherever possible.
I had a flu shot a few years back and I felt friggin' miserable the next day. According to Health Canada: The flu vaccine does not contain a live virus so it will not cause influenza. The most common side effect of the flu vaccine is a soreness at the site of injection, which may last a couple of days. You might also notice fever, fatigue and muscle aches within six to 12 hours after the vaccination, which may last a day or two.
Yeah NO KIDDING. I thought I was gonna collapse my muscles hurt so bad. Aching muscles and fatigue nearly put me out work for a day or two. I thought that was supposed to prevent me from getting sick and missing work, not make it nearly impossible to stand upright. Bastards. So I am not too keen on getting that shot ever again. Once was plenty, thanks.

Sunday, October 26, 2003
bit and bites
I have no idea what's going on but I'm having a helluva time remembering my dreams. And last night was great because I finally got a real amount of sleep, and I *know* I had one really long dream, but it slipped away from me as soon as I woke up. Damn, that is SO unlike me. All I remember is random pieces....
I remember having two lockers, either in a school or gym setting, and being really panicked because I couldn't remember the combination to one of the locks. (*shrug*.....ok...and?? lol).
I remember my friend/neighbour in my building being in my dreams a lot last night too. In one instance I was drooling over a PC game she had that resembled Myst....but it was based on a movie, but I can't recall which one. And in other parts of the dream she had this teeny little white dog (which she doesn't in real life). In other parts we were driving around in her car, and it was something resembling a station wagon, coz I was riding around in the back of it. And my neighbour/friend (Princess Blondie is her name) had a pile of jackets in the back, and upon closer inspection they were some kind of promotional jacket for a movie. The movie was either The Core or Armageddon, or something along those lines, and apparently I took exception to this because I quietly began to hack away at the jackets with scissors, cutting out the name of the movie on all the jackets! I have no idea, but when we got to wherever we were going and she opened up the back of the car, she didn't seem to notice. I suggested we have a cigarette and we both thought that was about the best idea ever (we're ex-smokers in real life, so we'll likely dream of them for the rest of our lives. lol). I think we sat under a tree and had one.

That's about all I remember right now. I thought I had a dream about being around the cast from Survivor, and noting how bad they smelled, but I can't remember enough of it to actually spin it into a tale. Oh well. :-/