Friday, October 24, 2003
bubble baths, yes. bubble wrap, no.
I have no idea what's going on with my brain, I think it's short circuiting. I had some dream about a guy trying to get it on with me, and he thought it would be sexy to be all wrapped up in bubble wrap. It wasn't sexy at all.
And I had some dream about a friend on the edge of making his fortune but he needed to get a patent on his money making scheme....only he couldn't coz he needed to find the guy who thought up the idea with him 20 years ago, and he was unable to locate him. He needed the guy to sign off on it or something.
I don't know, both were crappy dreams, what can I do.

Thursday, October 23, 2003
Once again I couldn't remember my dreams from last night. I'm either cursed, or need more than 5 hours of sleep in order to recall. Better luck tonight.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003
fridges and puppy dawgs
I had a big long dream but it escapes me right now...I just can't quite recall. I'm pretty sure it involved my damn fridge.
And then I had some kinda wacky dream about a dog running around and playing with various animals such as a buffalo and a goat. It was very odd. For fun, the dog and the goat would run and jump back and forth over a fence, as they ran along side of it.
Don't look at me man, my dreams get less creative on less sleep, what can I say? lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
friends and neighbours
Well well well.....enough of this silliness. I've waited long's time.....
let's all give a big welcome to one of my readers from Israel.

Now why oh why, Mysteron Agent, have you not being saying boo all this time? tsk. silly rabbit, I knew you were lurking, and I've been waiting for you to say something! Well, I'm outing you now, baby! :-)
(omg, a million nerd references just went through my head, including "decloaking" and "invisibility cloak")

And I hope you at least went over to my other page since this is only my secondary page.
Ah nevermind, I think I saw you on there before...yeah yeah (uhduh) you were lurking on there a week or two ago.

perk up and say hello every so often, why don't you? (or at least let me know what you think of the blog)
lurking is for strangers (and as strange as you are, you're hardly a stranger. :-P )


(for those interested in Mysteron's musings, you may check her out here. she's really quite funny....)

rain and sweat
I have no damn clue what I dreamt last night, but it musta been a doozy. When a huge crack of lightning woke me up nearly scaring me to death, I noticed that I was drenched in sweat. My usual sign for having just been lost in a nightmare of the grandest kind. I got up, changed my shirt, and climbed back into bed. Had to wait for the storm to pass before I could get back to was so loud!! I actually thought the lightning was going to come through my window and kill me.
Heh. I love how irrational we can be in the middle of the night when awakened out of the dead of sleep.

Monday, October 20, 2003
jumbled words
First dream involved me playing a game of Scrabble against one of my guy friends, and I was cheating bigtime because I was determined to win. This only makes me laugh in real life because it shows how competitive I really am. It's pathetic, and I am the first to admit I can be a very sore loser. Don't ever play any games with me, unless it's euchre or briscola, I can handle losing in those games (though others would disagree). Anyway, for some reason my friend and I were playing Scrabble on a laptop, so we would take turns with the laptop putting in our moves on the board. During my turns however, I was trying to look up words online when he wasn't looking so I could score higher, and I kept worrying he was gonna catch me. I was severely strung out and stressed over the stupid game and the idea of getting caught cheating. My conscience has always been like that, and it's just further proof to you kids at home that cheating isn't worth it (doesn't this feel like an after school special??). I don't remember how the dream ended, though I'm sure it was with me either throwing a tantrum or just confessing that I was cheating. lol

Second dream was influenced by what was going on around me. Just as I was going to bed last night my friend/neighbour-across-the-hall got in her car and drove off somewhere. Now, it was 2am, so I was a little worried for her, and wondered if something was wrong with her or maybe someone in her family. I finally fell asleep at 3am, but had a dream that there was some crisis involving her sister, and it was really serious. After tossing and turning I finally woke up at 5am, and checked to see that her car was back, coz the dream really freaked me out and I was worried about. Her car was there, so I felt better, and I called her this morning to check on her. Everything is fine folks, she just went to a friend in need. How nice is this girl??

The last dream was very similar in circumstance to one I had before about a friend I have had a recent falling out with. And as before, I am not going to share it because it's of a personal nature both to her and myself; I don't expose the personal stuff of my friends, past or present, on the internet. I think it's just once again reminding me that perhaps I have not dealt with or found closure on this matter.

And I just noticed that this page has in fact NOT been archiving, and I'm going to have a bird if I don't figure out why and find my previous entries. Crap.

UPDATE: I'm not going to have a stroke afterall, I fixed the code in the link, and all is well. whew. not good to start the day off with a heart attack like that. lol

Sunday, October 19, 2003
drawing a blank
uhhhh...I know I dreamt was....about....a.....
nope. I have forgotten. maybe it'll come to me later.
If I have disappointed you with the lack of a post go to my other page, I Dream, Therefore I Am. Perhaps you will find something entertaining there while I strain my brain to recall what I dreamt last night.